[Python Data Analysis]19.matplotlib를 사용한 데이터 시각화 맛보기

matplotlib를 사용한 데이터 시각화 맛보기

Gammatplotlib를 사용한 데이터 시각화 맛보기

Game of Thrones 데이터셋 분석하기

Game of Thrones 데이터셋 다운로드

Game of Thrones 데이터셋의 주요 컬럼 요약
  • name: String variable. The name of the battle.

  • year: Numeric variable. The year of the battle.

  • battle_number: Numeric variable. A unique ID number for the battle.

  • attacker_king: Categorical. The attacker’s king. A slash indicators that the king charges over the course of the war. For example, “Joffrey/Tommen Baratheon” is coded as such because one king follows the other in the Iron Throne.

  • defender_king: Categorical variable. The defender’s king.

  • attacker_1: String variable. Major house attacking.

  • attacker_2: String variable. Major house attacking.

  • attacker_3: String variable. Major house attacking.

  • attacker_4: String variable. Major house attacking.

  • defender_1: String variable. Major house defending.

  • defender_2: String variable. Major house defending.

  • defender_3: String variable. Major house defending.

  • defender_4: String variable. Major house defending.

  • attacker_outcome: Categorical variable. The outcome from the perspective of the attacker. Categories: win, loss, draw.

  • battle_type: Categorical variable. A classification of the battle’s primary type. Categories: pitched_battle: Armies meet in a location and fight. This is also the baseline category. ambush: A battle where stealth or subterfuge was the primary means of attack. siege: A prolonged of a fortied position. razing: An attack against an undefended position

  • major_death: Binary variable. If there was a death of a major figure during the battle.

  • major_capture: Binary variable. If there was the capture of the major figure during the battle.

  • attacker_size: Numeric variable. The size of the attacker’s force. No distinction is made between the types of soldiers such as cavalry and footmen.

  • defender_size: Numeric variable. The size of the defenders’s force. No distinction is made between the types of soldiers such as cavalry and footmen.

  • attacker_commander: String variable. Major commanders of the attackers. Commander’s names are included without honoric titles and commandders are seperated by commas.

  • defender_commander: String variable. Major commanders of the defener. Commander’s names are included without honoric titles and commandders are seperated by commas.

  • summer: Binary variable. Was it summer?

  • location: String variable. The location of the battle.

  • region: Categorical variable. The region where the battle takes place. Categories: Beyond the Wall, The North, The Iron Islands, The Riverlands, The Vale of Arryn, The Westerlands, The Crownlands, The Reach, The Stormlands, Dorne

  • note: String variable. Coding notes regarding individual observations.

  • Name: character name

  • Allegiances: character house

  • Death Year: year character died

  • Book of Death: book character died in

  • Death Chapter: chapter character died in

  • Book Intro Chapter: chapter character was introduced in

  • Gender: 1 is male, 0 is female

  • Nobility: 1 is nobel, 0 is a commoner

  • GoT: Appeared in first book

  • CoK: Appeared in second book

  • SoS: Appeared in third book

  • FfC: Appeared in fourth book

  • DwD: Appeared in fifth book

*** 참고: https://www.kaggle.com/mylesoneill/game-of-thrones

작품 번호에 따른 인물들의 죽음 횟수 시각화하기 - 라인 플롯

book_nums_to_death_count = deaths["Book of Death"].value_counts().sort_index()
ax1 = book_nums_to_death_count.plot(color="k", marker="o", linestyle="--")
ax1.set_xticks(np.arange(1, 6))
ax1.set_xlim([0, 6])
ax1.set_ylim([0, 120])

대규모 전투 상에서 공격군과 수비군 간의 병력 차이 시각화하기 - 박스 플롯

battles = battles.set_index(["name"])
large_battles_mask = battles["attacker_size"] + battles["defender_size"] > 10000
large_battles = battles.loc[large_battles_mask, ["attacker_size", "defender_size"]]
ax2 = large_battles.plot(kind="barh", stacked=True, fontsize=8)
large_battles["attacker_pcts"] = \
    large_battles["attacker_size"] / (large_battles["attacker_size"] 
    + large_battles["defender_size"])
large_battles["defender_pcts"] = \
    large_battles["defender_size"] / (large_battles["attacker_size"] 
    + large_battles["defender_size"])
    ax3 = large_battles[["attacker_pcts", "defender_pcts"]].plot(kind="barh", stacked=True, fontsize=8)

전체 전투 중 각 가문의 개입 빈도 시각화하기 - 히스토그램

col_names = battles.columns[4:12]
house_names = battles[col_names].fillna("None").values
house_names = np.unique(house_names)
house_names = house_names[house_names != "None"]
houses_to_battle_counts = pd.Series(0, index=house_names)
for col in col_names:
    houses_to_battle_counts = \
    houses_to_battle_counts.add(battles[col].value_counts(), fill_value=0)
ax4 = houses_to_battle_counts.hist(bins=10)

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